Monday, September 27, 2010

Blog 4.1- IFS H/W Infrastructure

The input technologies that are depicted are the mouse and keyboard. With this technology a person will input the word "HELLO". The computer will then transfer the information to the processing technology which is essentially the system unit which contains the CPU (Central Processing Unit). This includes the control unit (schedules the words into data) , ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit- does the math), and registers (internal memory). These will turn the word that was typed into a binary code consisting of 1's and 0's, but the only language the computer truly understands is machine language. Each letter that is in binary code is in a sequence of 8 bits or 1 byte which is known as ASCII(American Standard Code for Information Interchange). After the binary code is set, it is then stored and manipulated inside of a database. When the word "HELLO" is typed and stored the computer immediately displays the information on some sort of output technology such as a monitor or printer. This whole process, of converting an input technology to processing technology and eventually displayed on an form of output technology, only takes a split second to do. Computers are just that fast!

Blog 3.2- Building A Business Case

Faith: "We believe that this information system will serve every customer. The system will help us better serve our customers, resulting in us beating the competition through customer satisfaction and beyond. You just have to take it on faith."

Fear: "Our competitors are installing and implementing this information system. If we do not do the same we will go under and eventually go out of business. So, either we implement the system and stay on the top or we stay how we are, system-free, and fall to our competitors on our knees."

Fact: "As our analysis shows, implementing the functional area information system will improve the work quality of our employees by over 45%. They facts show that with this system the training and work production is of a higher value quality. Errors will be significantly reduced as the stats have shown. They have dropped from 60% down to 12%. So in the long run, the system will pay for itself within the next year."

Blog 3.1- Value Chain Analysis

Blog 2.2- Automobile Industry

This case study was about Globalization 3.0 has affected the auto industry worldwide. Automakers have tried to find solutions to the problem such as making a "world car", but several reasons why that cannot happen are in place.

1. Globalization 3.0 is fueling change in the auto industry by helping the industry "move beyond geographic boundaries". The industry are moving companies over seas to other countries and automakers are building networks of suppliers, globally.

2. Americans like big cars and aren't thinking about gas prices first, while Asians like more compact cars to move around crowded streets. The cultural differences that the world faces makes it impossible to make a "world car". Some key factors which make creating a "world car" difficult are taste, infrastructure, gas prices, and different political systems.

Blog 2.1- Globalization Enablers

Flickr offers many different services to its users. Their services include online photo sharing (upload and share pictures), "Tags" (label photos to a category), clustering (putting multiple tags together to see multiple photos), "interestingness" (rate pictures), photo manipulation (cropping the photo), "creative commons" (copyright protection), Application Program Interfaces (uploading apps for different devices), and OpenID (saves IDs and passwords).

There are 3 enablers that allow to provide the services they do: Uploading, In-forming, and Steroids. Uploading is the enabler that revolves around. Flickr needs uploading in order to have pictures posted up on their website. The second enabler is In-forming. Yahoo! purchased Flickr and helped it grow to what it has become today. Yahoo! uses Flickr sometimes to bring up images in its search engine. The third enabler is Steroids. The APIs develop uploading applications so multiple devices can upload pictures.

Blog 1.3- Organizational Chart

247831965 can be defined as raw, unformatted information for a ticket code. The information would be the code number 247-831-965, which gave meaning to the numbers and would be put in place for the ticket code as an identifier for a specific ticket to see which movie the ticket was purchased for. Knowing that these numbers put into a code for a movie ticket would show that knowledge was gained from the information. A person could gain wisdom from this knowledge by learning what specific movie was purchased, that day's date and time, the cost of the ticket, the payment method, and what kind of ticket was purchased such as a child or adult ticket.

12345 can be defined as raw, unformatted information for. 12-345, however, is information that would have meaning to represent a code for a specific employee. Knowing the employee number would be knowledge gained from knowing the employee number. A person could gain wisdom from this knowledge by learning that specific employee's name, employee position, sex, age, social security number, phone number, and address. So basically, this employee number could give the employer of each employee that works for Ferrum Cinema access to personal information.

678910 can be defined as raw, unformatted information for a tracking number. 678-910 can be information that is a formatted tracking code for a specific product, such as popcorn. An employee for Ferrum Cinema could identify this product number as popcorn, so they would have knowledge for this specific product. The wisdom they could obtain from this code is the product name, item number, cost, number purchased, payment method, and size purchased.